Star Wars: Legion - LM-432 Crab Droids Unit Expansion

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Known as the "Muckraker," the LM-432 crab droid is a four-legged battle droid that thrives in difficult terrain. It is outfitted with heavy armor and relies on advanced optics to support Separatist armies at long range. The crab droid is equipped with deadly claws that are effective in melee, although the LM-432 is seen as vulnerable to direct assaults. With their laser cannons and formidable defensive profiles, crab droids are dependable element of Separatist battalions.

2 Miniatures
  ‣ 2 LM-432 Crab Droids
2 Bases (70mm)
2 Unit Card
4 Upgrade Cards
1 Insert
1 Punch Sheet