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Nyakuza is a competitive game for 2-4 players where you are trying to establish your fishing empire. As the Top Cat of your Nyakuza Clan, you are tasked to swiftly establish your seafood stalls before your rivals. Bid Kōban (coins) for Boats, send your Boats out to net the freshest catch, and establish seafood Stalls all across the Oki-Yo Bay. Conquer the fishing industry by being the first Clan to build the Grand Market Stall and bring glory to your Nyakuza Clan.

1 Game Board
4 Nyakuza Clan Screens
1 Amulet Token
1 Resource Bag
60 Resource Tiles
48 Kōban Tokens
160 Plastic Boat Tokens
20 Stall Standees
1 Grand Market Stall Standee

Ages: 10+
Players: 2-4
Game Length: 40 minutes